Please let me know the answers to these practice problems. Please don’t just refer me to different calculators or give me one or two steps, I’ve already tried all that and I just need the answers. You’re help is greatly appreciated!

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1 answer

so, you've tried a few steps? How far did you get?
I'll do one for you, and then hope you will show some effort here so we can figure out what's the problem.
Since integration is a linear operator (it's just a fancy way of addition)
you can divide the interval [3-,5] into parts: [-3,2]U[2,3]U[3,5]
So that means that
∫[-3,5] = ∫[-3,2] + ∫[2,3] + ∫[3,5]
Now, using the values they gave you, that gives
-2 = 3 + ∫[2,3] f(x) dx + 1
∫[2,3] f(x) dx = -2-3-1 = -6

So, what do you have on the others?