Please kindly correct my grammar...
1. which one is correct
a. Matt like fish.
b. Matt likes fish.
3 answers
Matt likes fish
For help with verbs:
For help with this particular singular/plural choice:
(Notice the -s on the 3rd person singular form.)
For help with this particular singular/plural choice:
(Notice the -s on the 3rd person singular form.)
B. is the correct answer because the subject must agree with the verb in terms of number ('singular' or 'plural'). In order to achieve this, the written form of the subject and verb will be in the opposite. So when the subject is written in the singular form, the verb will be written in the plural form; and when the subject is plural, the verb will be written in the singular form. This, I call the 'rule of polarity' - elements of opposite charges will attract. For instance:
1. Derrick loves to listen to rock music.
a. Rule of agreement
subject: Derrick (one person - singular
verb: loves (one action - singular)
b. Rule of polarity
subject: Derrick (written - singular form)
verb: loves (written - plural form)
2. Derrick and Jason love to listen to rock music.
a. rule of agreement
subject: Derrick and Jason (two persons - plural)
verb: love (two actions - plural)
b. rule of polarity
subject: Derrick and Jason (written - singular form + singular form = plural form)
verb: love (written - singular form)
That this rule can also apply to the auxiliary verbs: 'Be' - (is, are, am [past tense: was, were]), 'Have - (has, have) and 'Do' - (does, do)
1. Derrick loves to listen to rock music.
a. Rule of agreement
subject: Derrick (one person - singular
verb: loves (one action - singular)
b. Rule of polarity
subject: Derrick (written - singular form)
verb: loves (written - plural form)
2. Derrick and Jason love to listen to rock music.
a. rule of agreement
subject: Derrick and Jason (two persons - plural)
verb: love (two actions - plural)
b. rule of polarity
subject: Derrick and Jason (written - singular form + singular form = plural form)
verb: love (written - singular form)
That this rule can also apply to the auxiliary verbs: 'Be' - (is, are, am [past tense: was, were]), 'Have - (has, have) and 'Do' - (does, do)