Please ignore my previous post, I accidentally posted my rough draft

Okay for English 12 U, I'm doing a literary essay for Life of Pi, by Yann Martel.

The topic of my essay is Martel (author's) depiction of setting in Canada and India. (Role of setting)

I'd like some advice and someone to proofread my work. For errors or misinterpretation on the novel.

Life of Pi – Martell’s depiction of Canada and India= the role of setting
Yann Martel, an author of “The Facts behind the Helsinki Roccamatios” and the short story “Self”, flew to India for a few months to do research for his book, which later became, “Life of Pi”. In a coffee shop in India, Martel met an Indian man who introduced the story of Pi Patel. Martel, interested in the man's story, returned to Canada to interview Mr. Patel. In 2002, Martel's book, "Life of Pi" was published and released in Canada.
The story is initially set in India where Pi grew up in Pondicherry. However, the setting for the greater part of his story is in the Pacific Ocean, where he spent 227 days at sea. Martel’s description of the setting plays a major role in representing stylistic devices such as symbolism, imagery, and theme. Through the use of these stylistic devices, Martel brings the setting of India, the Pacific Ocean, and Canada to life. The beginning of the story takes place in India, where Pi Patel lived his childhood in Pondicherry zoo. Martel’s use of the stylistic device of imagery about India was strongly mentioned in Pi’s life as a prince of Maharja’s son. “it was a paradise on earth. I had nothing but the fondest memories of growing up in a zoo. I lived the life of a prince. What about maharja’s son had such a vast, luxuriant grounds to play about? What place had such a menagerie? My alarm clock during my childhood was a pride of lions.” (Martel 15). Pi describe his advantages of growing up at the zoo. Martel compares it to living as a prince would, through examples of imagery and diction. Yann Martel expresses the theme of “Revelation” that Pi experiences, when he met three religious men who he named the “three wise men”. His revelation is simply to love God. On the other hand, the three wise men advise him to choose one religion, being Christian, Muslim, or Hindu. In this theme, Yann Martel introduces Hinduism which originates from India.
The second setting takes place in the Pacific Ocean where Pi is stuck with four animals in a life boat. The four animals are, a Hyena, an orangutan, a wounded zebra, and a tiger named Richard Parker. There are three important stylistic devices takes places in this setting, which are Imagery , symbolism ,and theme. The first one, the imagery setting describe the scenery of the ocean is rough, but beautiful and dangerous. “As the sea, it looked rough, but to a landlubber the sea is always impressive and forbidding, beautiful and dangerous.” (Martel 113). Yann Martel tries to explain to the readers that to someone who spent more of their life on land, that sea can look very beautiful, but in the same time very dangerous. The ship which Pi rides to go to Canada was suddenly sunk, because of some reason.
The second device used is symbolism. When at sea Pi invites Richard Parker into the lifeboat. This can be symbolized as Pi himself inviting his own survival instinct, which Richard Park represents. The third stylistic device that is used is theme. The theme that is represented in the Pacific Ocean is the loss of innocence, where back in Pondicherry, Pi is innocence, but in the Pacific Ocean Pi looses that innocence. Pi becomes more aggressive and become capable to kill another living creature. Where as before he was a peace loving vegetarian.
The last major location is in Canada. Yann Martel talks to young Pi, in Toronto in order to write his book “Life of Pi”. The theme of storytelling is a major theme in the novel “Life of Pi”. “’ You can’t prove which story is true and which is not. You must take my word for it’…. ‘So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can’t prove the question either way, which story do you prefer?...” (Martel 352) . Martel uses these two stories to cast a lens of disbelief to the audience forcing them to decide which of the two stories is the better story. Throughout the story Martel incorporates his own “author’s notes” in order to convey the message of storytelling to the audience. “My suffering left me gloomy. Academic study and the steady, mindful practice of religion slowly brought me back to life” (Martel 1). After suffering for so long at sea, Pi slowly returned to life. He grew back his innocence as a person, a sense of imagery changing from a castaway struggling to survive to a highly sophisticated university student. The setting in Canada allowed Pi to participate in the University of Toronto where he slowly got his life back. The setting of Canada can also be interoperated as a symbol in Pi’s life, because “a love profound enough that he can transcend the classical divisions of religion, and worship as a Hindu, Muslim, and Christian.” (Martel). His variety in religion makes him a blending of religion. As Pi is a blending of different religion, Canada is a blending of culture.
Life of Pi’s setting of India the Pacific Ocean, and Canada brings the book to life by incorporating the different aspects of stylistic devices such as symbolism, themes, and imagery. These devices can be either interpreted in many ways from describing symbols and meanings to developing an image in the reader’s mind. The setting plays a very import part in incorporating the different elements of stylistic devices to give birth to the story “Life of Pi”.

1 answer

I only have time to deal with the first two paragraphs. Boldface is for contrast.

Life of Pi (BOOK TITLES UNDERLINED OR ITALICIZED)– Martell’s depiction of Canada and India= (SPELL OUT) the role of setting
Yann Martel, an author of “The Facts behind the Helsinki Roccamatios” and the short story “Self”, flew to India for a few months to do research for his book, which later became, (NO COMMA)Life of Pi. (SENTENCE LONG AND CONFUSING. SPLIT INTO TWO.) In a coffee shop in India, Martel met an Indian man who introduced the story of Pi Patel. Martel, interested in the man's story, returned to Canada to interview Mr. Patel. In 2002, Martel's book, "Life of Pi" was published and released in Canada.


The story is initially set in India where Pi grew up in Pondicherry. However, the setting for the greater part of his story is in the Pacific Ocean, where he spent 227 days at sea. Martel’s description of the setting plays a major role in representing stylistic devices such as symbolism, imagery, and theme. Through the use of these stylistic devices, Martel brings the setting of India, the Pacific Ocean, and Canada to life.


The beginning of the story takes place in India, where Pi Patel lived his childhood in Pondicherry zoo. Martel’s use of the stylistic device of imagery about India was strongly mentioned("USED"?) in Pi’s life as a prince of Maharja’s son.


Pi describe(S) his advantages of growing up at the zoo. “it (CAP, OR ELLIPSE IF ONLY PART OF QUOTE.) was a paradise on earth. I had nothing but the fondest memories of growing up in a zoo. I lived the life of a prince. What about maharja’s son had such a vast, luxuriant grounds to play about? What place had such a menagerie? My alarm clock during my childhood was a pride of lions.” (Martel 15).

Martel compares it to living as a prince would, through examples of imagery and diction. Yann Martel expresses the theme of “Revelation” that Pi experiences, when he met three religious men who he named the “three wise men”. His revelation is simply to love God. On the other hand, the three wise men advise him to choose one religion, being Christian, Muslim, or Hindu. In this theme, Yann Martel introduces Hinduism (COMMA) which originates from India.

In the future, if nobody is available to proofread your work, you can do this yourself. After writing your material, put it aside for a day — at least several hours. (This breaks mental sets you might have that keep you from noticing problems.) Then read it aloud as if you were reading someone else's work. (Reading aloud slows down your reading, so you are less likely to skip over problems.)

If your reading goes smoothly, that is fine. However, wherever you "stumble" in your reading, other persons are likely to have a problem in reading your material. Those "stumbles" indicate areas that need revising.

Another option, if it is available on your computer, is to have the computer read it to you.

Also, make use of "Spelling and Grammar" under "Tools" in your word processing program.

Once you have made your revisions, repeat the process above. Good papers often require many drafts.
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