This site has a good example of a sentence outline.
Your thesis states that dress codes encourage discipline among students. What are three ways that dress codes accomplish this? Those three ways will be the main points of your outline and essay.
You may want to broaden your thesis statement and eliminate the last clause. Discipline may be just one reason that dress codes should be enforced.
Let us know what you come up with, and we'll be glad to help you from there.
Please how do I create a sentence outline that includes effective arguments and counterarguments to support my thesis below? Essay topic is dress codes in schools. I just don't know how to do this or where to start. Please help me start and I can build from there.
Thesis: While there may be opposition from students and parents, dress codes should be enforced in schools as they encourage discipline among students.
6 answers
Ok Ms. Sue, I will post in 20 mins.
Dress codes in schools help to encourage discipline in various ways. Some of them are:
1) Help prevent gangs from forming on campus (how can I break this down to three sub-points)
2) ) Diminish economic and social barriers between students(how can I break this down to three sub-points)
3) Increase a sense of belonging and school pride (how can I break this down to three sub-points)
1) Help prevent gangs from forming on campus (how can I break this down to three sub-points)
2) ) Diminish economic and social barriers between students(how can I break this down to three sub-points)
3) Increase a sense of belonging and school pride (how can I break this down to three sub-points)
1) No gang colors, ensignias, etc. No one can tell from the clothing who is in which gang.
2) Everyone wears the same eliminating visible differences in economics and social barriers. No one has to spend more than they can afford for school clothes. No visible ways of telling jocks from preppies from nerds.
3) When everyone looks the same, then a spirit of unity may prevail. Students will take pride in their appearance.
2) Everyone wears the same eliminating visible differences in economics and social barriers. No one has to spend more than they can afford for school clothes. No visible ways of telling jocks from preppies from nerds.
3) When everyone looks the same, then a spirit of unity may prevail. Students will take pride in their appearance.
You're an angel, thank you!!
You're very welcome. Good luck with your paper.