Start at +7 on the number line
start left
change your mind at the second - sign and go right
7 + 9 = 16
2. keep the sign, add magnitudes
3. subtract magnitudes, use the sign of the bigger one
4. see 2. above - 8 + ( - 4) = -12
5. see 3 above - 7 + 4 = = -3
sketch a number line when confused by this stuff.
1. Rewrite this expression without the double sign: 7 - (-9)
2. When adding two real numbers that have the same sign, you should..?
3. When adding two real numbers with different signs, you should..?
4. Solve this expression: - 8 + ( - 4)
5. Simplify this expression: - 7 + 4 =
Thanks so much!
2 answers
Thank you so much!