ooblecks answer makes perfect sense to me
I will illustrate with an example
suppose in store1 there are 574 DVDs and and 410 videos
they are in the ratio of 574 : 410 = 7:5
suppose in store 2 there are 500 DVDs and 375 videos
they are in the ratio 500 : 375 = 4:3
clearly store1 has more DVDs
suppose store 1 sells some DVDs and videos and there are now
392 DVDs and 280 videos left.
but the ratio of 392 : 280 is still 7:5
Does it make sense now?
please help with explination. this has alreay been answered by oobleck but i still dont understand.
In one store, the ratio of DVDs to videos is 7:5. In another store, the ratio of DVDs to videos is 4:3. Explain why you cannot say which store has more DVDs.
2 answers
yes thank you reiny