Please Help!what will happen if 50mL of 0.022M Na2S2O3, 50mL of 0.010M AgNO3 and 50mL of 0.097m KCl are mixed together? for AgCl, ksp=1.8x10^-10, for Ag(S2O3)2^3-, Kf =2.9x10^13.


1 answer

I think I did this last night.
I would look first at calculating how much (Ag^+) must be to ppt AgCl.
You have Ksp for AgCl and you have Cl- from KCl, that allows you to determine exactly how much Ag^+ is needed to ppt Agcl. Anything over that and AgCl will ppt.
The question after that really is how much Ag^+ will be allowed due to complexion with S2O3^=.
Go through the Kf for Ag(S2O3)=.
Ag^+ + 2S2O3^= ==> Ag(S2O3)2=. You know S2O3 and you know Kf, calculate Ag^+.