Please help me with this question I am a bit confused. Name six slide layout place holders and state the purpose of each one. Now this is what I have so far not sure what I need and don't any help would be great

Title Only - A layout containing a placeholder for a title.
Title and Text - A layout containing a placeholder for a title and block of text.
Title and 2 Column Text - A layout containing a placeholder for a title and for two columns of text.

Content Layouts

Blank - A layout containing no placeholders.
Content - A layout containing a content placeholder.
Title and Content - A layout containing a placeholder for a title and a content placeholder.
Title and 2 Content - A layout containing a placeholder for a title and for two content placeholders.
Title, Content and 2 Content - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, a content placeholder on the left and two content placeholders on the right.
Title, 2 Content and Content - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, two content placeholders on the left and a content placeholder on the right.
Title and 4 Content - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, two content placeholders on the left and two content placeholders on the right.

Text and Content Layouts

Title, Text and Content - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, a column of text on the left and a content content placeholder on the right.
Title, Content and Text - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, a content placeholder on the left and a colum of text on the right.
Title, Text and 2 Content - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, a column of text on the left and two content placeholders on the right.
Title, 2 Content and Text - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, two content placeholders on the left and a column of text on the right.
Title and Text over Content - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, a block of text at the top and a content placeholder at the bottom.
Title and Content over Text - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, a content placeholder at the top and a block of text at the bottom.
Title and 2 Content over Text - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, two content placeholders at the top and a block of text at the bottom.

Other Layouts

Title, Text and ClipArt - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, a block of text on the left and a clipart placeholder on the right.
Title, ClipArt and Text - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, a clipart placeholder on the left and a block of text on the right.
Title, Text and Chart - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, a block of text on the left and a chart placeholder on the right.
Title, Chart and Text - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, a chart placeholder on the left and a block of text on the right.
Title, Text and Media Clip - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, a block of text on the left and a media clip placeholder on the right.
Title, Media Clip and Text - A layout containing a placeholder for a title, a media clip placeholder on the left and a block of text on the right.
Title and Table - A layout containing a placeholder for a title and a table placeholder.
Title and Diagram or Organisation Chart - A layout containing a placeholder for a title and a diagram or oganisation chart placeholder.
Title and Chart - A layout containing a placeholder for a title and a chart placeholder.

2 answers

Placeholders are boxes with dotted or hatched boreders that are on most slide layouts. They hold things like title, body text, table and graphs.

Five are quite easy:
Title placemarker
Object area placemarker
Date placemarker
Footer placemarker
Number placemarker

you could also text placemarker (which is a subset of object placemarker)
sorry - clearly I meant placeholder rather than placemarker.