Please help me with my homework! OK, so there is this girl conducting an experiment to see whether a solution (juice) will take longer to freeze than a substance )pure water).She predicts that water will take less to freeze. So there is this article that goes on and on to list the steps that she took. I have to answer these question. PLEASE help me. I put the answers that I put into my homework below each question. Please tell me if my answer is incorrect, and if so, how could I fix it. Thanks in advance!

1. What is her hyothesis?
A solution will take longet to freeze than water.

2. What are the variables in the experiment?

Independent Variable- Juice/water.
Dependent variable- Ammount of time that it takes to freeze.

3. What variable is controlled?

Ammount of juice/water put in cups.

3 answers

you have it, I would also list as a control the same freezer at the same time.
Without the material (experiment) you are following I can't help; however, here is a site that explains dependent and independent variables.
independent versus dependent variable
The link didn't come out. Here's another try.