Please help me to pick out 6 lines from the poem Invictus of William Ernest Henley that used sensory images and identify the sense used for each line.I also need to pick out one line that used onomatopoeia.

8 answers

This one?

Sensory images are simply those images in your mind as you read the poem that are one or more of the five senses:
sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch

Tell me one of the lines that includes something you can see.
I'm still waiting! No ideas yet?
Black as the pit from pole to pole-sight
Zachary/rubens -- I've asked you before. Please use the same name for your posts!
rubens/zachary/whoever ...

Yes. Now find 5 more lines with reference to at least one of the five senses. Can you repeat any of the senses? Of course.
I don't have nothing to see
You're not even trying. I give up.
Can someone please say the answers? If I fail this quiz, i might fail la