Please help me out on answering this question: For a working bibliography, how is a title for a website cited?

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I might have more social studies questions and then algebra questions, so if you see more questions under the subject NHD (Social Studies), Social Studies, or Algebra, then please make sure to check them out.
This is in the subject social studies because I am doing NHD (National History Day) project in Social Studies.

12 answers

In social studies papers and other items in which you need to cite sources, you need to use APA style and formatting.

For websites, click on Reference List: Electronic Sources in the list at the left.
Thank you tutor Writeacher for reviewing my question. I actually have to use the MLA format when citing the website, but I still don't get how to cite the title of a website. I looked in the MLA format, looked in the Electronic Sources, and under Basic Style for Citations of Electronic Sources (Including Online Databases): Title of the Website, project, or book in italics. (Remember that some Print publications have Web publications with slightly different names. They may, for example, include the additional information or otherwise modified information, like domain names)
That didn't tell me how to cite a title for a website. Thank you, tutor Writeacher, for trying to help me answer my question.

Again, find the ...Electronic Sources link in the list at the left. Read and follow directions.
Oh, I think I got the answer now. I got the answer from my experience:
In quotation marks.

But it's up to you. If you don't want to read and learn from the resources we give you on this website, you're on your own!

If you're just looking for a pat on the back (even for a wrong answer), this is not the place.
Okay, then. I guess I'm on my own. But, I don't need a pat on the back, what I need is a clarification on my answer I give. If you won't do it, then I can have other tutors check. But, thank you for trying to help me. The resource you gave me was helpful for citing my sources for a bibliography.
hi could anyone help me out with the unit 2 social studies test for 7th grade. I need help quick
Y'all lame asf!!!!!!1
we need to build a wall
Which of the following is an example of government's role of keeping order in society?(1 point)

operating a lottery
operating a lottery

issuing paper money
issuing paper money

taxing education
taxing education

prohibiting bartering
prohibiting barterinG
Which of the following is an example of government's role of keeping order in society?
operating a lottery
issuing paper money
taxing education
prohibiting bartering