Please help me, my son struggles in the 6th grade. I am afraid that he might have to repeat again. He has low grades in reading and math.I have spoken with his teachers, and they say lack of motivation. How do i help him so he can do what he needs to. I really cant afford alternative schools, maybe you have some suggestions. I want to help my child.
3 answers
Here's one possibility. Tell his teacher or counselor that you think your son may be learning disabled. By federal law, the school must then evaluate him and make recommendations.
Ms. Sue's recommendation is a really good one. And the sooner you get this testing done, the better, even if the results show that he does not need special education in any form. As he gets older, it'll be harder and harder -- and eventually impossible -- to get this testing done.
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Place the digits 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 in the boxes to obtain
(a) the greatest difference
(b) the greatest product
I came up with
A. 865 - 24
B. 865 * 42
(a) the greatest difference
(b) the greatest product
I came up with
A. 865 - 24
B. 865 * 42