I will omit the aq in order to save space.
Ba(ClO3)2 + Na3PO4-> Ba3(PO4)2(s)+NaClO3
There are trial and error; however, with a little practice you can do these easily. Here is what I do.
I look on the right and see I MUST hae 3Ba and 2 PO4 on the left so I place a 3 for Ba(ClO3)2 and a 2 for Na3PO4.
3Ba(ClO3)2 + 2Na3PO4-> Ba3(PO4)2(s)+NaClO3
That take care of Ba(ClO3)2, Na3PO4, and Ba3(PO4)2 which leaves only NaClO3. I have 6 Na on the left so I place a 6 for NaClO3. Then I check to see if I have 6 ClO3 on the left and I do. The full equation then is
3Ba(ClO3)2 + 2Na3PO4-> Ba3(PO4)2(s)+6NaClO3
Please help me balance this equation: I just can't get it right. Do you have any strategy you use to solve such equation balancing if so please help me.
Ba(ClO3)2(aq)+ Na3PO4(aq)-> Ba3(PO4)2(s)+NaClO3(aq)
Thanks alot!!:)
1 answer