Please help ~~

Because i don't ever know the reaction in organic compound ..
Do anyone has the data bank of the organic chemicals ?
I cannot find out what are the compound in the reaction with it ~~

1. What do butylamine give when it is dissolved in water ?
A nearly pH10 solution was obtained. There may be some OH- ions in the equation.

2. When phenylamine react with hydrochloric acid ,the color of the solution turns from black to pure brown .How can i present it in equation ? Also, when the solution was placed to evaporate, a brown solid is obtained.What is it?
Moreover, does butylamine react with hydrochloric acid?There is no observable changes , it remains colorless.

3. When copper(II) sulphate solution react with phenylamide, a yellowish-green solid form. Besides, it seems that there is also some black solid. What are they ?

4.When copper(II) sulphate solution react with butylamide, some blue precipitates were formed and then redissolved to give a colorless solution. What have been happened during the reaction ? What are the products in the reaction ?

5. When copper(II) sulphate solution react with ammonia solusion,the solution turns to deep blue andthen be pale blue. What were formed in the reaction ?

Please help me before i've found the data ...plz plz plz plz .......

1 answer

You don't need a data bank of organic chemicals. You need to know the reactions involved. I can't help with all of them.
Please make your posts just one question to the post. It takes too much time to answer five questions and if we don't have that much time we may pass the question by and you don't get any help.
1. I assume you mean n-butyl amine.
CH3CH2CH2CH2NH2. Which I will call BNH2.
BNH2 hydrolyzes in water to form the NH3^+ ion and OH.
BNH2 + HOH ==> BNH3^+ + OH^-

From question 2, you say there is no observable reaction BUT you can test the water solution an know it is basic so there MUST have been a reaction in order to produce the OH^-.

2. Phenylamine is just another amine (although an aromatic amine instead of aliphatic as in the case of butylamine. So the same reaction.
C6H5NH2 + HCl ==> C6H5NH3^+ + Cl^-

5. Cu^+2 + 4NH3 ==> Cu(NH3)4^+2
The pale blue of the copper(II) ion changes to the deep blue color of the copper(II) ammine complex ion.

For the other copper tests, look in your text for the identification of amides and see if you can find anything there. For example, Fehlings solution identifies reducing sugars and contains CuSO4 but I don't know those tests for amides.