Please give me suggestion on this essay that I wrote. Thanks.
Discuss the origins of World War I. Can any single country be blamed for starting the war? In what ways did the alliance system, implemented to maintain a peaceful balance of power in Europe, in fact have the opposite effect?
Every international event was measured as a gain or loss for their side which increased their armament. This left the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente glared menacingly at one another. Europe's six major powers were all at war accept for Italy, they remained neutral. Each had a 2 million soldiers under order within forty-eight hours. It was at this point the that World War I began. It is truly uncertain as to who is actually to blame for the great was as this was argued some time later. Germany was said to be the blame as they were said to have been responsible for starting the wars with the other powers. The British leaders were also at fault because they failed to warn the Germans that an attack on France meant war on Britain. The alliance was a first step toward reducing conflicts over imperial claims. The alliance delimited each nations areas of interest. The alliance guaranteed the integrity of China by reducing their competition. This in fact opened the way for further agreements between Great Britain and Russia. The system of alliances no longer had the balance they worked so hard to accomplished it became more of a trap due to increasing armament, bluster and compromise.
In conclusion, the alliance system not only caused unbalance among the powers but also lead the powers to war.
1 answer
"glared" should be "glaring"
Your content is fine; however, you need to read it aloud to someone or have someone read it aloud to you. If you're listening carefully, you should catch little things like this.
In addition --
lead = pronounced "leed" if it's a present tense verb or "led" if it's a noun
led = past tense
Please repost after you correct these errors. They make the reading not go smoothly, and the last thing you want is for your teacher to have to try to figure out what you're saying if he/she is being tripped up by errors in verb use, non-existent pronoun references, etc.