please fix the below as a barrister would write in an affirmation for the hong Kong family court moving and relocation application for children

19. The Father will be leaving Hong Kong permanently in and around July 2024 for new employment, and in that case the Mother with no employment or family support will be left behind to care for two older children in Hong Kong, and that will obviously be a completely catastrophic situation the Father is trying to prevent causing this EMERGENCY APPLICATION.
20. The Father is making this emergency application to protect both children from being wrongly put in danger, and preventing both children from experiencing significant duress and HARM. There would be no justifiable reason to do this given the Father’s new employment and family support in the United States of America provides far better, more stable, and far higher quality of life available for both children, the Mother and the Father. This application has clearly considered the Mother and her well being and provided for the Mother’s needs in the US as well with FREE FOUR year quality housing, a car, and car insurances as well as maintenance.
21. The Father is more than just a financial provider but an invaluable, integral, dedicated, and very active part of both children’s day to day lives. For the avoidance of any doubts, having NO Father in HK will be immediately devasting for both children as well as the Mother who is also dependant on the Father’s caregiving for both children. When also considering the extreme financial hardship including the absence of the Father, not having stable housing, no proper schooling, will be not being either children’s nor the Mother’s best interests to remain in Hong Kong under these circumstances.
22. The Father will also not be able to see the children, if they are in Hong Kong for any material amount of time due to costs, the significant expenses, and of course the Father’s employment in the US. Not only the children but also the Father will suffer devastating emotional harm.
23. Both children will need to come to the US for long stays to see their Father, and they will obvious not have the benefit of both parents in Hong Kong, as is expected for up to SIX Months in the US, nor will they have a materially higher quality of life in HK (in fact a desperately low quality of life due the financial hardship), nor will they have a stable quality housing in HK (“roof over head”), nor Private International Schooling in HK, nor Private Health Insurance in HK, and all of the other material benefits available in the US as stipulated due to the father’s new employment but more notably the material savings of FREE housing for both parents/children, and family support.
24. Given the Mother’s given her established prior conduct of opposing each and every application the Father made over the last some Four years for the children to see their grandparents in the US and Greece, The Father justly fears that the Mother will mostly likely continue to alienate both children from seeing their Father in the US, and not allow the children to travel to the US, as she has done on numerous occasions in the past as is on record. The Father has never once opposed the travel of either children on the Mother’s request, the Father has never restricted either child from visiting the Mother. In fact, the opposite is true for the Father who applies and recommends more and not less time for both children to the Mother (The Mother sadly has repeatedly said that she does not want 50/50 time with her son Leonidas and that she wants less than 50/50 time with her own son). Leaving Leonidas in HK with the mother 100% of time clearly is not an option the Mother herself wants and would be problematic given the documented events that have transpired.
25. Addressing the non-issue of the RENEWAL of the Mother’s SIX Month Visitor Visa to the United States of America, The Mother has no reason to REFUSE to at least attempt to RENEW her existing yet expired (5) FIVE Year US Visitor Visa, allowing her up to 6 Months of US visitation per year by simply dropping off her Passport into the US Consulate drop box in Hong Kong for speedy renewal. Only negative inferences can be drawn by this REFUSAL to apply, which again is an obvious litigation tactic or trick.
26. The very purpose of a FIVE YEAR US VISITOR VISA allowing for SIX Months per annum visitation is to provide the Visitor with SIX MONTHS access to the US each year over the FIVE Year term. I believe this is explicitly stated on the Visa itself, and by very definition of the entire purpose of the US FIVE YEAR Visitor Visa. For example, it would provide THREE Months or FOUR Months or some other amount of time less than SIX months if this was to be argued BUT one should OBVIOUSLY not stay MORE THAN SIX Months. This should be “Common Sense” and no further misrepresentations should be made on the topic.
27. The Mother has successfully used her existing yet expired FIVE Year US visitor visa many times in the past for long stays in the US, and it is good standing, with no reason to deny it. Again, there is no reason for the Mother after so long to not attempt to RENEW this in good standing existing US FIVE Year Visitor Visa save for using this an excuse to oppose these applications, which the Father sincerely hopes she does not.
28. The story the Mother in the past purported has been exposed to be categorically FALSE given she has had over 1.5 years to RENEW her existing US 5 Year Visitor Visa yet refuses to even attempt to do so, exposes this is nothing more than a ruse used to resist this application. My hope is we move on from this now exposed litigation tactic along with the embarrassing child abductions allegations, and talk of the Hague which the United States of America is Hague member, a country where the rule of law applies like in Hong Kong.
30. The Father has offered to pay all expenses for the existing US 5 Year visitor visa renewal. There is no excuse left to not at least make an attempt to apply to renew this existing visitor visa (and put it in the DROP BOX for renewal). This includes renewing the Mother passport, which is not necessary but the Father is happy to pay those fees as well if that is used as an excuse.
32. We can get a cost effective definitive answer from the ultimate Visa Authority - The US Government itself for just $150 USD, and see if the US Government RENEWS; or DOES NOT RENEW this existing US FIVE YEAR VISITOR VISA. No third party Experts opinion of what the US Government may or may not do on this matter should be warranted, as this matter will be swiftly delt with at a low cost by the US Government itself upon the Mother responsibly making an application to RENEW now after some two years of waiting.
33. Regardless of the answer, which I verily believe will be positive in any case, two US Citizen near adults who in the year of 2025 will be Age 15 and Age 13 near adults, and are old enough to travel on an airplane from the United States of America, and simply visit the Mother outside of the US for long school holidays. Each year going forward both near adult older children will grow more independent enabling more flexibility of travel to see the Mother independently for long durations. This is whether or not there are any issues with the RENEWAL of the Mother’s US FIVE Year Visitor Visa.
34. I again repeat at this point any talk of Child ABUDUCTION of the soon to be in the year 2025 15 years old (16, 17, and 18) year olds there after should at this point be should be considered embarrassing arguments for the Mother in the same category as the Mother trying to REFUSE to RENEW her EXISING US 5 Year Visitor going forward, and then complain about inability to enter the US, and make false allegations about the Father ‘Child Abducting’ now older teenagers to the United States of America, so that the Father can enable the older children to attend prestigious Private International Schools in the US (they applied to and were accepted with scholarships), and abduct them to so they could live in quality stable housing in the US. I am sure both teenage boys are capable of speaking out and reaching out to any authorities if they feel they are being ‘Child Abducted’ by either parent at this older age of 15 and 13 which they will shortly be in 2025.
35. Both older male siblings will be caused serious HARM if they remain in Hong Kong under these financial hardship conditions especially without the Father present. The Father’s proposals are comprehensive and overwhelmingly in the children's, the Mother’s, and everyone involved best interests. My hope is that I have explained these plain enough.
36. If necessary, the older children themselves may need to testify on these serious matters or least have Leonidas (a Published Author, Exceptional Student Athlete, and teenager of many distinctions), who will be Age 14 shortly in August 5, 2024, and speak on his clear views of living in the United States of America, applying to, being accepted on scholarship, and ready to attend Fairfield Prep (his DREAM SCHOOL), and many other serious matters especially given the circumstances and conditions in Hong Kong. My hope is at least his voice is heard clearly and documented.
38. I verily believe there should be NO ARGUMENT to deny Leonidas Temporary removal for Schooling or Permanent Moving and Relocation to the United States of America in light of him being older, and all of the well documented events that have transpired with his Mother in Hong Kong. I believe there is no argument that Leonidas be left in Hong Kong with his Mother especially since she currently wants less than 50/50 time with her own son which the Father has promoted to the Mother. I want to be clear that the Mother will need to spend 100% time with both children alone in Hong Kong (including Leonidas whom she does not want to spend even 50/50 time with right now). Any single parent with no family support even under the best of conditions (which these are clearly not) would have serious difficulties caring for one or two children on their own in Hong Kong especially under these extreme conditions we now face.
A. The Fact is also that the Mother expressly gave her consent to Leonidas verbally on many occasions recently especially since August 2023 – present, and this in and of itself should remove the need for any possibility or argument from the Mother to obstruct Leonidas’s leave for removal to the United States of America with the Father whether for temporary or permanently by the Mother.
B. This would save time and costs up front for all parties and narrow the argument.

1 answer

I, [Father's Name], do solemnly affirm that the statements made in this affirmation for the Hong Kong Family Court moving and relocation application for children are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I make this affirmation in support of the emergency application to protect the children from being put in danger and experiencing harm, as well as to provide them with a stable and higher quality of life in the United States of America. I further affirm that the Mother has been given ample opportunity to renew her existing US visitor visa and that any refusal to do so is unjustified. I also affirm that the older children are capable of speaking out and reaching out to authorities if they feel they are being wrongfully detained or abducted. I sincerely hope that the Court will consider the best interests of the children and make a decision that will ensure their well-being and safety.

Sworn this [date]
Signature: [Father's Signature]
Name: [Father's Name]
Occupation: Barrister