please fix the below as a barrister would write in an affirmation for the hong Kong family court moving and relocation application for children

49. For whatever reason, I was instructed to remove the financial information from the exhibit pages 54 – 155/6 in both applications, which given these EMERGENCY APPLICATIONS to PROTECT CHIDREN FROM HARM are caused due to the distressed financial situation being Misrepresented and Ignored in the Summer 2023, which if approved then would avoid the HARM being caused to both children and the family right now. The Prior Moving and Relocation Judgements were based on incorrect financial facts. Such as, The Father is financially sound, or “the company” doing well which was NEVER TRUE, and this evidence REFUTES the prior and any current financial MISREPRESENTATIONS or ‘FALSE FINDINGS OF FACTS’. I removed those financial sections as requested in the letter I received from the Honourable H.H.T. Kwan.
50. For convenience and the HK Family Courts benefit to avoid any potential further misrepresentation of financial facts by the Mother, I will submit excerpts of these sworn below Financial Summary’s from the recent filed and served Sworn Financial Form E, as well as the comprehensive Financial Form E

1 answer

The financial information contained in exhibit pages 54-155/6 of both applications has been removed as per my instructions. These emergency applications, aimed at protecting children from harm, are a result of the distressed financial situation that was misrepresented and ignored in the summer of 2023. Approval of the prior moving and relocation judgments were based on incorrect financial facts, such as the father's alleged financial stability, which was never true. This evidence refutes any past or present financial misrepresentations or false findings of fact. It has been done in compliance with the letter received from the Honourable H.H.T. Kwan. To aid the Hong Kong Family Court in preventing potential further misrepresentation of financial facts by the mother, I will be submitting excerpts from the recently filed and served Sworn Financial Form E, as well as the comprehensive Financial Form E.