please explain and analyse the following question in a better understandable way with a simple English "assignment you should explore affordable and clean energy as an external determinant influencing the education systems of South Africa and two other developing countries. Kindly follow the following structure:
1. Research affordable and clean energy as the tenth Sustainable Development Goal.
2. Describe the situation of affordable and clean energy in SA and two other countries, focus on how affordable and clean energy influence these countries´ education systems.
3. Critically discuss the differences and similarities that can be identified on the basis of affordable and clean energy as an external determinant of the various education systems – South Africa and the two selected developing countries.
4. Discuss and evaluate best practices through engaging in a literature review in order to document/report on, the influence of affordable and clean energy as an external determinant on the education systems of the countries (South Africa and the two selected developing countries).
1 answer
Firstly, you need to research and understand the importance of affordable and clean energy as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals. This will provide you with a background on the significance of this issue globally.
Next, you should describe the current situation of affordable and clean energy in South Africa and the two other countries you have chosen. Focus on how the availability or lack of affordable and clean energy influences the education systems in these countries. For example, lack of electricity may hinder students' ability to study at night or access online learning materials.
Furthermore, critically analyze the differences and similarities in the impact of affordable and clean energy on the education systems of South Africa and the two other developing countries. This will require you to compare and contrast the challenges and opportunities each country faces in providing clean energy to support education.
Lastly, you should discuss and evaluate best practices for utilizing affordable and clean energy to improve education systems. Engage in a literature review to gather information on successful strategies and initiatives that have been implemented in these countries or elsewhere. This will help you to document and report on the influence of affordable and clean energy as an external determinant on education systems.
Overall, this assignment requires you to understand the role of affordable and clean energy in education, analyze its impact on South Africa and two other developing countries, compare their situations, and evaluate best practices for utilizing clean energy in education systems.