please edit the below letter to a potential mediator for an HK family court case where I am trying to ask if there is a potential conflict of interest as if a barrister would have wrote the below letter:

Private and Confidential - Not for Sharing

Dear Mrs Jody Sin,

My name is George Varvitsiotis and apologies for the forward nature of this email to you.

I have been looking to go through mediation for some to avoid the prolonged time, costs, and most importantly damage to children due to prolonged HK Family Court litigation. There are many serious issues at stake (some potentially criminal) but my focus has always been on a forward-looking children's well being first resolution based on the reality especially financial reality of the US Citizen Expat children.

I do not press forward my reasons, rational, or motivations as it would be obviously perceived as 'biased' but rather document the reality of EXTREME URGENCY whereby children are in serious risk of harm if nothing is done and if they remain in Hong Kong. By this I mean they will face evictions and homelessness and far worse educational harm as already is the case with one of the children if nothing is done and common sense is now swiftly enacted by both parents. This is just the reality of the situation as supported with both Financial Form Es, bank statements, FAILING School reports, and of course eviction notices. The message that I want to convey is that this is a geniuly URGENT situation involving the protection of children from harm if the parents do not swiftly act responsibly.

I apologize now for being rather blunt and please do not misconstrue my statements to contain any perceived false allegations but rather a genuine 'conflicts check' . Sadly, I have experienced some issues with former classmates and friends of the Mother's HKLA team being called in to render 'expert opinions'. This was discovered only after the clearly biased opinions were rendered and the obvious questions such as do you know any of the Mother's HKLA Barristers and Solictors? Wnen we realized that this was the case.

As the Mother's HKLA funded team have (I am a legally unrepresented Father at present) seem very insistent to use 'only you' and I agree for expedience it would be more practical.

My research of your qualifications confirm you have a very impressive background.
My only true concern is not your qualifications or experience but rather given my documented prior experience is a potential repeat of the biased 'US Expert Opinion'. I again apologize for me coming out of the blue with all of this but the timing is rather URGENT and there are truly material children's protection, saftey, well being and best interetests matters at play now.

Please can you help answer if you have any 'close relationships' or are there any conflicts or potential 'conflicts' of interetes with the below people and firms that I should know about or you would like to disclose for the below:

Barrister Shawaphan Marhawa
Solicitors Boase Cohen Collins -
link below:

Steven Chan formerly of INCE & CO (now with CSRS)

Svetlana Galiulina
Howard Nathan Shapiro
Jason Abraham Shapiro

I again apologize for the bluntness of this email and sincerely appreciate your assistance to

1 answer

Mrs. Jody Sin,

My name is George Varvitsiotis, and I am reaching out to you in hopes of potentially mediating a family court case in Hong Kong. I apologize for the direct nature of this email.

I am looking to avoid prolonged litigation in the HK Family Court in order to minimize costs and most importantly, prevent harm to the children involved. There are significant issues at stake, some of which may have criminal implications, but my main priority is to reach a resolution that prioritizes the well-being of the children, particularly in light of the financial constraints faced by the US citizen expat children.

I will not delve into the specifics of my reasons, rationale, or motivations in order to avoid any perception of bias. Instead, I want to emphasize the urgent nature of the situation, as the children are at risk of experiencing serious harm if immediate action is not taken. This includes facing eviction, homelessness, and educational setbacks, as evidenced by financial documents, school reports, and eviction notices.

I must candidly express my concerns regarding potential conflicts of interest. I have encountered issues in the past where individuals associated with the Mother's legal team have provided biased opinions, without disclosing their prior relationships. Given your impressive background and qualifications, I am hopeful that you can provide a fair and unbiased assessment of the situation.

While the Mother's legal team has indicated a preference for your involvement in the mediation process, I would like to inquire about any close relationships or potential conflicts of interest you may have with the following individuals and firms:

- Barrister Shawaphan Marhawa
- Solicitors Boase Cohen Collins
- Steven Chan (formerly of INCE & CO, now with CSRS)
- Svetlana Galiulina
- Howard Nathan Shapiro
- Jason Abraham Shapiro

I apologize for the directness of this email, but the urgency of the situation necessitates a thorough review of any potential conflicts of interest. Your assistance in addressing these concerns would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


George Varvitsiotis