please edit the below application cover sheet requesting Hong Kong legal aid funds for the below cases as if a barrister would for a client
HKLA is only funding ONE side and needs to provide an EQUALITY of ARMS not create an INEQUALITY of arms.
I have attached the active cases which the Father needs URGENT HKLA as HKLA is funding the Mother with no limit Solicitors and Barristers who are causing HARM to children for profit and apparent supported by the HK FAMILY Court to do so as they are ‘well connected’. I repeat there have been severe abuse of process and HKLA as I have reported is violating its own mandate by providing INEQUALITY of Arms to ONE side ‘the Mother’ with no limit funding of Solicitors and Barristers and NOTHING to the Father who is has NO HKLA funding and has been UNREPRESENTED in the HK Family Court for some FOUR years.
I have reported these apparent irregularities and I what I believe are clear violations of rules and potentially even law allowed to target and take advantage of UNREPRESENTED PERSONS in the HK FAMILY COURT (or Father’s). I request an EQUALITY of ARMS to protect my children further harm that was funded to date by HKLA.
1. HKLA funding for URGENT mediation. I begin my request for HKLA itself to promote ‘MEDIATION’ instead of ‘LITINGATION’ against unrepresented Fathers. I have REPEATEDLY offered Global Settlement’s to protect children from harm and lower costs. But instead HKLA keeps funding ONE sides LITIGATION against an unrepresented FATHER (all HKLA needed to do is cut the Mother’s HKLA funding and a Global Settlement would have been reached YEARS ago – Regretfully, the HKLA funded Barristers and Solicitors would not have ‘Profiteered’ as much off HKLA funds they seem to spread around generously ‘touting’ how WELL CONNECTED they are in the HK Family Court and HKLA itself…
a. The Father has new employment in USA and will leave Hong Kong. Mother has no employment and FOUR years of no limit HKLA funding causing harm to children and HKLA funds litigation over settlement to harm children to date.
b. I am requesting MEDIATIION funding to end these litigation so the chlidrne are NOT left HOMELESS and HARMED in Hong Kong.
c. The Mother has HKLA funding she is getter prefer harming children and LITIGATION, which is unfair, unjust, and inequitable and of course the Mother and HKLA funded Barrister and Solicitors like LITIGATION against an Unrepresented Father in what I believe to be an overtly biased HK Family Court taking advantage of defenseless UNREPRESENTED Fathers..
d. HKLA funds no limit litigation and does not force the Mother into mediation.
e. See attached Global Settlement Proposal being REJECTED
f. High Quality FREE stable housing in USA (verses homelessness in HK)
i. Father’s 2,700 sf home
ii. Mother’s 750 sf home (four year lease FREE car, free car insurance
iii. Private International Schools for both children
iv. Maintenance of $14,000 HKD p/month affordable only because of FREE housing for Mother and Father in USA
v. The mother is rejecting these solutions and Mediation instead of Litigation against the UNREPRESENTED FATHER– this has become an URGENT matter to protect children from IMMINENT HARM.
vi. It is hopeless for the Mother to resist solutions and willfully HARM the children in light of better options in the USA and NO options in Hong Kong the Mother can present.
2. TWO URGENT Consolidated applications for TERMPORARY Removal and PERMANENT Removal of children from HK with Directions hearing on June 17, 2024 (father is trying to Urgently move up the directions hearing); this is how HKLA will spend more on litigation for just the Mother and cause harm to children. Because the Mother is refusing EXPEDIATED Mediation – the Father is forced to file EXPENSIVE Litigations to protect the children from harm. Now I URGENTLY need HKLA funding to PROTECT CHILDREN FROM FURTHER HARM.
3. Adduce evidence to the Custody Care and Control trial of November 2023 where the Mother’s Child abuse, Child assault, lying to officers of the court and Tampering with evidence and committing willful perjury as discovered. The Father is not legally unrepresented and HKLA is funding the Mother only who used HKLA Barristers and Solicitors to cover up of crimes, child, abuse, PURJURY and violations of law against an unrepresented Father to harm children. This also includes deleting evidence in possession of child abuse and submitting the tampered evidence and lying saying no abuse happened or PURJURY.
a. I am reporting CRIMES and CHILD abuse and CHILD assault and the HKLA Barrister and HK Family Court are overtly IGNORING and attempting to sweep these CRIMES under the rug or Covering the CRIMES up, because I am NOT Legally Represented.
b. HKLA must fund the protection of children from harm and child abuse as this is been going on with impunity and I believe is ILLEGAL.
c. HKLA is funding the HARM of children, PURJURY, Evidence tampering and even funding the Barrister and Solicitors being CO-CONSPIRATORS of these crimes ‘as paid for by HKLA’
d. There is ALLOT at stake for HKLA / the HK Family Court / and HK Justice System.
e. One way or the other the TRUTH will get out better sooner rather than later especially when I have REPEATEDLY been reporting these crimes and violations of law to HKLA as funded by HKLA.
f. This problem is so BLATEANT – The Father was forced to go the HK Police to report with the 13 year old victim age 12 of the child abuse
g. A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION has been on going for some FOUR Months because the HK Family court refused to listen to the child abuse and child assault victim. Again funded by HKLA.
h. This is how blatant the HKLA funded Barrister and Solicitors and HK Family court judges are against unrepresented fathers trying to protect children. They persecute the Father reporting Child abuse and Child assault forcing the Father to report these to the HK Police.
i. The father needs HKLA funding to hire Barristers and Lawyers and report these crimes and protect children from harm in the HK Family Court or these crimes will continue.
4. Adduce financial evidence showing that I only make some $40,000 HKD per month and how the Father cannot afford and never could afford to pay $44,000 HKD per month in maintenance.
a. The HKLA barrister and mother basically lie about my income saying it was $300,000 HKD per month THIS IS PURJURY.
b. and later MADE UP $195,000 HKD per month THIS IS PURJURY the HK Family Court judge appears to want to believe WILLFUL PUJURY, while BLOCKING the TRUTHFUL financial information I am trying to add to evidence so no more WRONGFUL Decisions causing harm to children can be allowed to happen (again as funded by HKLA to the Mother).
c. This is allowed to happen because I have no HKLA funded representation and am a vulnerable UNREPRESENTED father where this FINANCIAL FRAUD is allowed to happen in the HK Family Court and HKLA (the Mother lied on her HKLA application and for whatever reason – Nothing happened in fact HKLA funded the Mother even more after she was caught violating your own application laws); I presume the Mother’s HKLA funded barrister is very well connected.
5. Variations of Care of Control of Philip this is to protect Philip from HARM as the mother leaves Philip alone and he is in DANGER. Philip is FAILING out of school and forced to go to a LOCAL Chinese public school as an EXPAT who does not speak Chinese, is not Chinese and only went to private international schools his how life.
a. The mother also ignores the STATUS QUO of 50/50 or more time with the Father and believes the HK Family court will reward the Child abusing and neglectful mother with custody against the Father.
b. The Mother assaults her children lies about it and causes her children to LIE to officers of the court about the child abuse they witness. The Mother neglects Philip and leaves Philip alone all day and during the night.
c. This abuse is again happening the HK Family Court to harm children as the Mother has HKLA representation that is ‘well connected’ and profiteering to cause harm to children
d. Again all against an unrepresented father.
e. HKLA only funds one side to the detriment and harm of children against again an UNREPRESENED FATHER trying to protect his children from harm.
I want to make clear that I am a Father trying desperately to protect my children from harm, provide the best Private International schools, quality stable housing, and security all being denied to them because the Mother has HKLA funded barristers who PROFITEER on HKLA funds to HARM children while the financially benefit and send their children to HKIS and Private International Schools while denying my children the right and opportunity for a better life and education.
Again, all of this would NEVER happen if HKLA did not fund the Mother (even after she Lied on her HKLA Financial Form, was caught lying, and nothing happened but HKLA non stop funding). I say this because these is an obvious bias from within HKLA as my application was rejected.
At some point in time all of these TRUTHS will be exposed. My hope is that its SOONER rather than later. I prey my children are not further harmed by HKLA inaction and willful ignorance to the TRUTH of this situation which I hope is not so common to harm so many other children and unrepresented fathers.
HKLA sole purpose is for the EQUALITY of ARMS and to fund the INEQUALITY of ARMs to harm children.
1 answer
I am writing to request funding from the Hong Kong Legal Aid department for the following urgent cases involving the custody and care of my children. It has come to my attention that the mother of my children is currently receiving unlimited funding from HKLA for solicitors and barristers, while I, as the father, have not received any support from HKLA and have been unrepresented in the Hong Kong Family Court for the past four years. This has created a significant inequality of arms in the legal proceedings, with the mother being able to use her funded representation to cause harm to the children.
I am requesting the following:
1. Funding for urgent mediation to prevent further harm to the children. I have repeatedly offered global settlements to protect the children and lower costs, but the mother's funded litigation has prevented any resolution. I am requesting mediation funding to end the litigation and protect the children from harm.
2. Funding for urgent consolidated applications for temporary and permanent removal of the children from Hong Kong. The mother's refusal to participate in mediation has led to expensive litigation to protect the children from harm.
3. Funding to adduce evidence of child abuse, assault, perjury, and evidence tampering by the mother at the Custody Care and Control trial. I believe these crimes are being ignored by the HK Family Court and funded by HKLA, leading to further harm to the children.
4. Funding to adduce financial evidence showing that I cannot afford the maintenance payments being demanded by the mother. The mother has provided false information about my income, leading to unjust decisions in the court.
5. Variations of Care of Control of Philip to protect him from harm due to the mother's neglect and abuse. The mother's funded representation is profiteering to cause harm to the children against an unrepresented father.
I am a father trying to protect my children from harm and provide them with a secure and stable environment. HKLA's primary purpose should be to ensure equality of arms in legal proceedings, rather than funding one side to the detriment of the children. I urge HKLA to provide funding for these urgent cases to prevent further harm to the children and ensure a fair and just outcome in the legal proceedings.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]