Please correct this paragraph. please..

there is no flow in the second paragraph .plz help

It is a very interesting and funny story. The writer of the story Francois Rabelais tells us about the adventure of the two giants, Gargantua and Pantagruel in sixteen century. They make fun of foolishness of the people and Catholic Church. They also make a point to describe the comfort of the upper class life.

The writer tries to show us that a rich always have potentially to be mean and corrupt. So the question is that does too much money caused being corrupt in the society. Institutions and church bends rules for advantage of the rich people. The Writer of the story pasteurizes very well how the people of upper class eats, drinks and worked. “They rose from their beds when it seemed to them the right time, drank, ate, worked and slept when they felt like it ”(2161) .The writer is showing us how rich people care about them selves and they did not have any thought about the poor man‘s suffering. They seem to be very busy to get comfort of their lives. Beside their foolish acts, they always say stupid things. By reading this story, I remember the article which I read on internet a few days ago; “why rich people say stupid thing”. I always have good laugh at the quote of Paris Hilton; like she said about the wall mart, “Wall-mart..... Do they like make walls there? ”

1 answer

It (WHAT DOES "IT" REFER TO? GIVE TITLE) is a very interesting and funny story. The writer of the story (COMMA) Francois Rabelais (COMMA) tells us about the adventure of the (DELETE "THE") two giants, Gargantua and Pantagruel (COMMA) in sixteen century. They make fun of ("THE") foolishness of the people and ("THE") Catholic Church. They also make a point to describe the comfort of the upper class life. (HOW DO THEY DESCRIBE IT?)

The writer tries to show us that a ("THE") rich always have potentially ("THE POTENTIAL") to be mean and corrupt. (ONLY RICH PEOPLE HAVE THIS POTENTIAL?) So the question is, does too much money cause being corrupt in the society? Institutions and ("THE") church bends rules for ("TO THE") advantage of the rich people. The Writer of the story (JUST USE HIS LAST NAME) pasteurizes (RIGHT TERM?) very well how the people of upper class eat, drink and work. “They rose from their beds when it seemed to them the right time, drank, ate, worked and slept when they felt like it. ”(2161) (WHAT STYLE OF FOOTNOTING IS THIS?) The writer (NAME) is showing us how rich people care about themselves (COMMA) and they did not have any thought about the poor man‘s suffering. They seem to be very busy to get comfort of their lives ("MAKING THEIR LIVES COMFORTABLE"). Beside their foolish acts, they always say stupid things. By reading this story, I remember the article which I read on Internet a few days ago; “why rich people say stupid thing”. (SP) (CAPS FOR TITLES) I always have good laugh at the quote of Paris Hilton; like she said about the WALmart, “Wall-mart..... Do they like make walls there? ”

Boldface is solely for contrast. I made some small changes without boldface; look for them.

In the future, if nobody is available to proofread your work, you can do this yourself. After writing your material, put it aside for a day — at least several hours. (This breaks mental sets you might have that keep you from noticing problems.) Then read it aloud as if you were reading someone else's work. (Reading aloud slows down your reading, so you are less likely to skip over problems.)

If your reading goes smoothly, that is fine. However, wherever you "stumble" in your reading, other persons are likely to have a problem in reading your material. Those "stumbles" indicate areas that need revising.

Another option, if it is available on your computer, is to have the computer read it to you.

Also, make use of "Spelling and Grammar" under "Tools" in your word processing program.

Once you have made your revisions, repeat the process above. Good papers often require many drafts.