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ACT Prompt
Most schools have established honor codes or other rules to prevent students from cheating on exams and other school assignments. Many students admit to cheating, arguing that the practice has become so common--and is so rarely penalized--that it is the only way to survive in today's competitive academic world. Educators, however, feel that such behavior only hurt the students,and that cheating in school is just the first step to more academic dishonesty, professional misconduct, and unethical business practices in the future. In your view, should high schools become more tolerant of cheating?
Cheating in school is very common.Students cheat to earn good grades. Most schools establish rules that deal with cheating on exams and assignments . Some people say that cheating is a way to survive on tests. Cheating can lead to problems in the future. Thus, high schools should not become more tolerant of cheating.
Some people say that cheating is a good thing to do. They believe that it is one of the solution to survive in schools. This,however, is wrong. How can cheating help students know themselves better? Although cheating may help them get an A, it does not truly help then in academic. Students are expected to know the information so they should know it,not look for it on other's paper.
Tests prove the students' knowledge. Their grades are a reflection of how well they know the material. By cheating, they are using others brains and not theirs. Potentially, they may lose their ability to make decisions for themselves. This is no different from plagiarism. Taking someone else's idea is a crime. Cheating involves taking someone's credit. If school does not allow students to plagiarize,then they should not be tolerant of cheating. Cheaters are dependent on others; they avoid being themselves because they "do not know the answers". It is important to be strict with cheating.
Not only cheating causes an individual to lose the ability to make decisions for oneself, but it can also cause mistrust. Hence, students who want to be trustworthy of, should not cheat. People can label a person based on their honesty. Cheating is indeed a form of dishonesty. Students must not be tolerated for cheating because if they continue to do so, their future will be filled with problems like losing a job. It is beneficial for them to stop cheating.
High schools should not view cheating as something minor. Cheating leads to the loss of decision making ands mistrust. The schools' job is to educate every child. Therefore, it has to exhibit to the studentds that cheating is completely not acceptable.
2 answers
You did not cite any authority, thus, your writing is opinion only, but you wrote your opinions as if true fact. At least you could have said, "in my opinion",or "based on my experience".
You tend to write in pretty vague generalities...take for example..
<<Students must not be tolerated for cheating because if they continue to do so, their future will be filled with problems like losing a job>>
<<Tests prove the students' knowledge>>
<<Some people say that cheating >>
You let grammar errors slip...event though this is supposed to be a draft, ...<<things like this get the readers attention "Cheating leads to the loss of decision making ands mistrust.>>
Concentrate on making an outline first, then look at writing with some authority, not just opinion.
Be sure to study the differences between a 3 and a 4 or 5.