Please complete the following questions. Use a word processor to complete your work. Remember to use complete sentences and include both the questions and answers when you submit your work. make sure its 3-4 sentences and write it like a black kid in 7th grade who doesnt like art class

1. What kind of illustrations do you think were made once printing presses could create images?
2. What do you think makes advertising effective? Describe an example of an advertisement you think is particularly well done.
3. Why is branding an important part of a successful franchise?
4. How does it help a product to put a picture of it on a t-shirt?
5. Were the posters that encouraged women to work during World War II an example of propaganda? What bias is present in that message?

1 answer

1. Once printing presses could create images, they probably made boring illustrations that didn't interest me at all. I don't really care about pictures in the first place, so I'm not impressed by whatever fancy drawings they could make.

2. Advertising is probably effective because they use bright colors and catchy slogans that catch people's attention. I remember seeing this Nike ad with some cool basketball players and it made me want to buy their shoes, so I guess that's a good example of an effective ad.

3. Branding is important for a successful franchise because it makes people recognize the name and trust the product. If a brand has a good reputation, people will keep buying their stuff no matter what. It's like how everyone knows McDonald's even though their food is kinda gross.

4. I think putting a picture of a product on a t-shirt helps because it's like free advertising. If people wear the shirt around, other people will see it and maybe want to buy the product too. Plus, it's a cool way to show off something you like without having to say anything.

5. Yeah, those posters encouraging women to work during World War II were definitely propaganda. The bias in that message is that they were trying to make women feel like they had to help out because the men were gone. It's like they were guilt-tripping them into doing something they might not have wanted to do.