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We know that every man commits sins. There is no way that we can Undo our mistakes. It is only possible through the salvation . God likes those people who seeks His mighty forgivenss after committing sins, He don’t like those who stick to their mistakes. In the poetry of Micelangelo Buonaroti , salvation and sense of shame and sin are the basic element of his poems.Through his poems, he talkes about salvation and rebirth and focused that every man born with pure state “as a noble and perfect thing”, (1910) but his purity could not keep last long. Snse of guilt make him to be pure from his sins.
Michelangeko‘s poems also tell us that evil of the world mislead the human and God is only ony One who can save us fron the evil spirts. He emphasis that he can find God’s mercy by his good deeds, because we will be judged by our acts and virtue to God. Like he said, “I search for salvation Between virtue and vice.”( 1910) .
6 answers
First please go through both paragraphs and make sure all singular subjects have singular verbs and all plural subjects have plural verbs.
For example, in this -- He don’t like -- you have written a singular subject but given it a plural verb. It would be He doesn't...
Scroll down and read about agreement here.