Please check this paragraph .
Beowulf possesses all of these essentials charterstic throughout the poem which prove him an epic hero of the poem. Beowulf is a young adventure who takes risks of his life for glory achievement. He crosses the sea, defeats ungodly beasts in bloody combat, wins a foreign ally for his king and earns respect from his native people. Eventually he becomes king himself, rules in relative peace and wisdom, and then is killed in a fight with a dragon. By doing this, it proves that Beowulf is nothing but a hero who tries to fight for the sake of his people and protect them. By comparing to the reality, he gives us the picture of violence but it is hard to blame him for acting according to the dictates of his warrior culture. At the end, when Beowulf has been poisoned by the dragon's bite and dies shortly after prove him a great warrior, thus, poem ends with the forever-lasting memory of a great hero.
2 answers
Be sure to compare your paragraph and mine very carefully. Some of the corrections are in punctuation or a couple of letters here and there, and you'll need to be attentive to find them.
In addition to those corrections, there are three places where you need to add words or clarify an idea.
Beowulf possesses all of the essential characteristics throughout the poem which prove him to be the epic hero of the poem. Beowulf is a young adventurer who takes risks in his life for the sake of achievement and glory. He crosses the sea, defeats ungodly beasts in bloody combat, wins a foreign ally for his king, and earns respect from his own people. Eventually, he becomes king himself, rules in relative peace and wisdom, and then is killed in a fight with a dragon. By doing all these things, Beowulf is proven to be a hero who tries to fight for the sake of his people to protect them. By comparing to the reality of this age, he gives us the picture of violence, but it is hard to blame him for acting according to the dictates of his warrior culture. At the end, when Beowulf has been poisoned by the dragon's bite and dies shortly afterward, All his acts and honorable death proves him a great warrior. Thus, the poem ends with the forever-lasting memory of a great hero.