Please check these true/false civil war questions.

1. More soldiers died of gunshot wounds than disease. False.

2. By the summer of 1862, the North had control of most of the Southern territory west of the Appalachian Mountains. False.

3. The objective of the ular Campaign was to capture Richmond. True.

4. All the poor people in the North peacefully accepted the draft. False.

5. Historians often refer to the devastation of Sherman's March and General Sheridan's destruction in the Shenandoah Valley as the beginning of modern warfare or total warfare. True.

6. The Civil War ended quickly and the loss of lives was few. False.

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "civil war" to get these possible sources:

Use key words under "Find" within each site to seek confirmation of your answers. Of course, the answers to your questions might be available in your textbook. I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

While not my area, I have studied the civil war. Your only answer I disagree with is #5. First, I think of modern warfare and total warfare as two different concepts. The civil war has been described as the first modern war because "modern" technologies were used extensively; used well before the 1864 campaigns. Further, the concept of "total war" was described by the great Clauswitz in the 1830s.

2 answers

the conflict at lexington and concord was the biggest battle of the civil war
The soldiers died more of disease than gunshot