please check these:
(the answer choice that i picked are capitalized)
1. Brevity is to concise as:
a. high is to low
B. description is to vague
c. dwindle is to decrease
d. challenge is to easy
2. Jovial is to solemn as:
A. despair is to joy
b. worthy is to realistic
c. detail is to abstract
d. grief is to saddness
3. Cunning is to guile as:
a. shyness is to pleasure
b. subtlety is to blatant
c. openness is to candor
d. danger is to victory
i'm not sure about this one. i'm pretty sure it's not B. i don't think it's D it C?
4. Pentagon is to centennial as:
a. 10 is to 20
b. 100 is to 5
c. 20 is to 1
D. 5 is to 100
5. Competent is to skillful as:
a. quarrelsome is to pleasant
b. inept is to graceful
c. adequate is to inadequate
D. compatible is to harmonious
6. Coffee is to bean as:
A. sugar is to cane
b. danger is to victory
c. chair is to table
d. kettle is to steam
7. Vigor is to weakness as:
a. leisurely is to unhurriedly
B. lenient is to uncompassionate
c. merciful is to lenient
d. level is to smooth
8. Guilt is to innocence as:
a. happy is to glad
B. victory is to defeat
c. grass is to lawn
d. ox is to oxen
9. Wire is to electricity as:
a. tape is to adhesive
b. umbrella is to rain
c. belt is to waist
D. vein is to blood
10. Pessimistic is to optimistic as:
A. pompous is to timid
b. arrogant is to mean
c. heavy is to burdensome
d. healthy is to vigorous
3 answers
2. Correct
3. C is right.
The rest are also correct.