<<a container of gas is at pressure of 3.7*10^3 Pa. How much work is done by the gas if its volume expands by 1.6 m.
5.92 * 10^5 >>
Please limit yourself to one question per post. What are the dimensions of your answer?
The work done depends upon whether the temperature is constant during the process. To keep it constant, heat has to be added. Your answer (in Joules) is correct if the temperature is held constant.
please check these;
a container of gas is at pressure of 3.7*10^3 Pa. How much work is done by the gas if its volume expands by 1.6 m.
5.92 * 10^5
A 0.10 kg piece of copper at an initial temperature of 95degC is dropped into 0.20 kg of water contained in a 0.28 kg aluminum calorimeter. The water and calorimeter are initially at 15degC. What is the final temperature of the system when it reaches equilibrium?
(Cp of Copper=387J/kg * degC; Cpof Aluminum=899J/kg * degC; Cp of Water=4186J/kg * degC)
someone gave me a very long and complicated formula for this. does anyone know a simple way to solve this problem? thanks for any help
1 answer