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Correctly identifying the part of speech of each word in the sentences.
Example: The boy hit the ball
The (definite article) boy (subject) hit (past tense verb) the (definite article) ball (dircet object).
1. Mother gave me a card for my birthday.
Mother (noun / subject) gave (past tense verb) me (pronoun / indirect object) a (definite article) card (noun / direct object) for (proposition) a (definite article) birthday (noun).
2. The new mail carrier finally arrived.
The (definite article) new (adjective) mail (adjective) carrier (noun) finally (adverb) arrived (verb).
3. How many players are on a team?
How (adverb) many (adjective) players (noun) are (present tense verb) on (proposition) a (definite article) team (noun).
4 answers