Please check my revised answers regarding "dangling modifers".
As the flock of birds was flying over the oak tree, the farmer saw that they had damaged his crops.
Ironing out all wrinkles, the pants looked much more presentable.
The pants looked much more presentable after all the wrinkles had been ironed out.
The police chief posted the mandate on Monday afternoon against hubcap theft.
Do not put the beef into the skillet until you have rubbed it with garlic oil.
He found his glasses crawling under the couch.
While crawling under the couch, he found his glasses.
As the flock of birds was flying over the oak tree, the farmer saw that they had damaged his crops. looks good
Ironing out all wrinkles, the pants looked much more presentable.
The pants looked much more presentable after all the wrinkles had been ironed out. looks good
The police chief posted the mandate on Monday afternoon against hubcap theft. I'd change "against" to "about" but other than that, it looks good.
Do not put the beef into the skillet until you have rubbed it with garlic oil. looks good
He found his glasses crawling under the couch.
While crawling under the couch, he found his glasses. looks good
The only one I have a problem with is .....The police chief posted the mandate on Monday afternoon against hubcap theft.
Your prepositional phrase "against hubcap theft" is not near what it is modifying. Since it is a "mandate against hubcap theft", that is where I would put it to make the most sense.
I thought about that, too, but if it reads "mandate against hubcap theft on Monday afternoon," it could seem to be saying that the theft took place on Monday afternoon!
Student will have to decide!!
Good thought, Writeacher; what about beginning the sentence with the prepositional phrase. "On Monday afternoon,the police chief posted the mandate against hubcap theft. "
Then everything will modify what it needs to. <G>
how do u write alliterations with words like: aquil, asin, bov, can, cerv, equ, fel, hirc, leon, lup, pisc, porc, serpent, and vulp.