Please check my essay and could you please give me a letter grade. I am in 9th grade and we are supposed to write 4 paragraphs on similarites and differences between love and infatuation.
Love Vs. Infatuation
"Infatuation might lead you to do things you regret, but love never steers you in the wrong direction." The following quote is a very basic clarification of two words that are extremely puzzling, at times. The two words are love, and infatuation which are two types of ways to show affection, to a special person. Occasionally adolescents, amd even adults always think about a special someone, but does it necessarily mean that person is really "the one?" Similarities, and differences can answer the following question.
It's very difficult to tell the difference between love, and infatuation, because when your infatuated your obsessed for that person, when your in love you have true feelings for that person. Love is genuine, and when the lovers take good care of their relationship it will last forever. Infatuation is imaginary, and it can damage the speical bond between the friends. Another differecne is that love stays with you, and your partener for a lifetime while infatuation starts to fade. Love takes time, and as you get to know your partner better the relationship progresses, while infatuation goes t fast without knowing each other. Lastly, the biggest difference between love, and infatuation is how long each will lat for. Infaturation only lasts several months, and love can last fifty years or more, if the raletionship can work out.
Love, and infatuation are similar in many ways. Love and infatuation are similar because both show a sign of intense fondness between one another. They are similar because they are both share feelings betwen two people, they are positive aspects of their life. Love, infatuation are both strong feelings tworard another person. Both show a sign of passon, which can be helpful in their relationship.
In conclusion, "Infatuation might lead you to do things you regret, but love never steers you in the wrong direction." I hop this quote has answered the question: does thinking about a special person really mean that their "the one?" I don't think so becasuse you don't know about that person to will to think that's your future husband/wife. It takes time to find the right one, and it takes time to get to know him/her. These are the similarities, and differences between love and infatuation.
11 answers
"Infatuation might lead you to do things you regret, but love never steers you in the wrong direction." The following quote is a very basic clarification of two words that are extremely puzzling, at times. The two words are love, and infatuation which are two types of ways to show affection, to a special person. Occasionally adolescents, amd even adults always think about a special someone, but does it necessarily mean that person is really "the one?" Similarities, and differences can answer the following question.
The following quote?? There's a quotation (not a quote, which is a verb) preceding this sentence, but not following it.
You have commas in there that are not needed. Delete them.
"two types of ways" = redundant; delete the excess words
The question mark belongs AFTER the closing quotation marks.
spelling error/typo
"the following question" -- ??? Where's the question?
Now you go through the rest of the paper and fine-tune it. Read it aloud to someone else -- or better yet, have someone read it to you. Wherever that person stumbles is a big clue that there's a problem there that needs fixing.
To not teach the kids the differences in your, tou are, and you're must be truly embarrassing!!! But then, this is what the teaching profession has to offer and after all, life is merely a game of "monkey see monkey do" isn't it teacher...?
Unless of course you come across people who don't teach, who are smarter than the teachers nowadays because they were taught by "REAL" teachers.... LOL
You poor losers....!
To not teach the kids the differences in your, tou are, and you're must be truly embarassing!!! But then, this is what the teaching profession has to offer and after all, life is merely a game of "monkey see monkey do" isn't it teacher...?
Unless of course you come across people who don't teach, who are sparter than the teachers nowdays because they were taught by "REAL" teachers.... LOL