please check my answers and problem at the end , too!
the cafeteria in the school offers 3 side items with the meal to the kids, among them: A. fries, B. carrots, C. macaroni, D broccoli, E. beans.
how many choices each child have?
- i think it is 10 because the order does not matter, as long as the 3 items are the same (like ABC and CAB count as the same..
what is the probability that a child will choose macaroni, carrots and beans? (BCE)
- all the possibilities are 10, this combination is 1 out of 10
and the problem:
what is a probability that a child will choose fries?
- normally i would say there is 5 side items, so 1 out of 5 is the chance, but if we check the total choices (the 3-groups) out of the 10 choice variations there is 6 has the fries in it.. so which is it, 6/10 or 1/5????