Rennell, Angie, Brown, or whoever --
Quit changing names. It serves no purpose.
Commas are needed after introductory clauses/phrases.
"We are continue..." <~~??
Please check for an errors and correct them for me.
As you know two miners was injured last Tuesday in the rock fall in entrance eight near the face. One of the miners is still in the hospital. I understand that he will be released in two or three days.
According to our initial investigation our safety inspections were not overdue. We are continue to investigate the cause of the accident and will apprise you of the findings as soon as the investigation is complete.
5 answers
Ok lol.
As you know,
According to our initial investigation,
As you know,
According to our initial investigation,
Correct comma placements.
How did you correct that verb form?
How did you correct that verb form?
continue to continuing
was to were