Please check each of my answers from these short stories in "The House On Mango Street". Please correct me if I'm wrong!

"Our Good Day"

1. How does Cisneros use a simile on the first page of this vignette?
A. To highlight the difference between cathys friendship and that offered by the two girls
B. To show cathys snobbery toward the girls
C. To reveal Esperanza's desire to make friends with the two girls
D. To explain why the girls want to buy the bicycle
I chose c

2. Which line from the story best explains why Esperanza likes these two girls?
A. Their clothes are crooked and ole
B. Don't talk to them, says Cathy. Can't you see they smell like a broom.
C. We come from Texas, Lucy says and grins.
D. Rachel shouts, you got quite a load there too. She is very sassy.
I chose A

3. What information about the neighborhood is revealed on the last page of the story?
A. The neighborhood is a safe and friendly place for kids to grow up in
B. Esperanza's house is in the very center of the nileighborhoos
C. Mr. Benny's grocery store is the largest building in the neighborhood
D. The neighborhood is run-down and even dangerous in areas
I got D

3 answers

1, c -- no

2. a -- yes

3. d -- yes
Is one A?
No. Study what a simile is.