What does this mean to you: "A leader must be able to lead..."?
How does one lead? What does he/she do to make others want to follow? I think you need to be clearer about what you think leadership is before you can write the rest.
Setting a vision <~~ That's good ... and be clear about how others will know what the vision is and why they should care.
Please check:
1. What do you believe are essential qualities a leader must possess?
- I believe the essential qualities a leader must possess are to set a vision and to be able to lead. A leader must be able to set a vision to seek for improvement and to change the mistakes. A leader must be able to lead in order for his/her followers to obey and agree.
3 answers
The only word I'd change is "obey." For me, a good leader obtains consensus from his group about how to reach the goals.
PS - If it's only obedience you're after, you could become a dictator!! Are dictators leaders? Or not? Why?