Please, can someone tell me what this quote means?
"What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself." -Abraham Lincoln
Lowlifes often broadcast their crimes and evil, often with their own mouths. This greatly helps police in criminal matters.
Thanks much!! Do you know exactly what Abraham was referring to when he said that?
If you advertise that your aren't exactly honest, then you are bound to be suspected of dishonesty.
That would also apply to favorable traits. If you brag about how good you are, then people are always going to challenge you to find out if you are telling the truth.
The moral of that story is to keep your mouth shut and let others discover for themselves both your assets and liabilities. <G> Keep them guessing.
Okay, thank you! That's what I thought it meant, but other people were telling me it meant something else. Abraham Lincoln was talking about politicians or slavery or something when he said that, wasn't he?
The banks ant thier corrupting influence on politics?
I thought it sort of had to do with slavery.