Please answer the following question by writing 4-5 sentences and using 2-3 examples from the tree map and previous steps. Please make sure that your responses are written in your own words. Do not copy and paste, or list, from previous steps. Write in complete sentences and paragraph form. You may use the RADD method as a guide:

You will now compare and contrast the Reform Movements you studied.

In paragraph form below, illustrate what are some similarities and differences between the three social reforms you learned about in your Tree Map.
Do you feel one Reform Movement was more successful than the others? Why or why not. Write this like a 7th grader

3 answers

The three social reform movements I studied were the Women's Suffrage Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Labor Movement. One similarity between these movements is that they all fought for equality and fair treatment of certain groups of people. For example, the Women's Suffrage Movement fought for women to have the right to vote, the Civil Rights Movement fought for equal rights for African Americans, and the Labor Movement fought for workers to have safer working conditions and better pay.

However, there were also differences between these reform movements. The Women's Suffrage Movement focused specifically on gaining voting rights for women, while the Civil Rights Movement focused on ending segregation and discrimination against African Americans. The Labor Movement, on the other hand, focused on improving working conditions and wages for all workers. Each movement had its own unique goals and challenges.

In terms of success, it is difficult to determine which reform movement was more successful than the others. Each movement faced different obstacles and achieved different levels of success. For example, the Women's Suffrage Movement eventually led to the passage of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote. The Civil Rights Movement led to the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed segregation and discrimination. The Labor Movement also made significant progress in improving working conditions and wages for workers. Overall, each of these reform movements made important strides towards equality and social justice.
in 4-5 sentences
The Women's Suffrage Movement, Civil Rights Movement, and Labor Movement all fought for equal rights and better treatment of different groups of people. While the Women's Suffrage Movement focused on gaining women the right to vote, the Civil Rights Movement worked to end segregation and discrimination against African Americans, and the Labor Movement aimed to improve working conditions and wages for all workers. Each movement faced unique challenges and achieved varying levels of success. The Women's Suffrage Movement resulted in the passage of the 19th Amendment, the Civil Rights Movement led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Labor Movement made strides in improving conditions for workers. Overall, each of these reform movements played a crucial role in advancing social justice and equality in American society.