Playing the dice game, have a conversation about what you must do and what you must not do at each place. After that write down the rules as in the example.
You should work in pairs. One should roll the dice and according to the number on the dice, he should move the marker. For example, if you get 3 on the dice, move forward for three spaces. Then place the marker on the expression in the space. If there is 'swimming pool' in the space, you should ask and answer what you can do in the swimming pool. After the dialogue, you shoud write down the related rule in a sentence. By having a conversation and writing each sentence, you should move your markers. Those who reaches the finish line first is the winner in this game.
Can you following me? You have to work with your partner. First, I will distribute the dice to each of you. Later, you have to hand me the dice.
Are you ready? Then looking at the dice board on the page, play the dice game.
( I have written down how to play the dice game. Would you check the expressions not suitable?)
4 answers
If they playing with more than one die then dice is correct.
I am sure others will have comments.
You should work in pairs. One should roll the dice and move the marker that many spaces. For example, if you get 3 on the dice, move forward for three spaces. Then place the marker on the picture in the space. If there is a swimming pool in the space, you should ask and answer what you can do in the swimming pool. After the dialogue, you are to write down the related rule in a sentence. While having such a conversation and writing each sentence, you should move your markers. The team who reaches the finish line first is the winner in this game.
Can you follow me? You have to work with your partner. First, I will distribute the dice to each of you. Later, you will return the dice to me.
Are you ready? Then look at the dice board on the page and play the dice game.
DrWLS is correct: The word "dice" is plural; your teams should be playing with two dice, right? If each team has only one, however, then change the word to "die."