Plant and animal/insects work in hand in the process of both pollination and fertilization. In 3-5 sentences give a brief description on how a plant is fertilized. Include words as help such as (anther, pollen, pistil)

School appropriate

5 answers

Fertilization in plants occurs when pollen, which is produced by the anther, is transferred to the stigma of the pistil. This can be achieved through various methods like wind, water, or primarily with the help of animals and insects. When an animal or insect visits a flower to feed on nectar or collect pollen, some of the pollen grains stick to its body. As the animal moves from one flower to another, it inadvertently transfers the pollen grains to the stigma. This enables the growth of pollen tubes through the style, allowing the male gametes to reach and fertilize the ovules within the ovary, leading to seed production.
Identify one advantage of sexual reproduction versus asexual reproduction. (This advantage would be something that makes me organism have a better chance of survival.)
One advantage of sexual reproduction compared to asexual reproduction is the production of genetic diversity. Thual reproduction, organisms can combine genetic material from two parents, resulting in offspring with a unique combination of genes. This genetic variation provides a better chance for species to adapt and survive in changing environments, as it increases the likelihood of individuals having beneficial traits that may be advantageous for their survival and reproduction. This diversity also contributes to the resilience of populations against diseases and other environmental challenges.
The process by which plants use energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (sugar) and oxygen is called photosynthesis. List the chemical equation for photosynthesis using the symbols for the products and reactant list below:
Carbon dioxide-CO2
Glucose- C6H12O6
The chemical equation for photosynthesis can be represented as follows:
6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight → C6H12O6 + 6O2