Plan & Write: Activity 6

You are going to write a real or imagined story about an illness that you could have prevented.
To prepare, answer the questions below.
1. Start in the middle.
A• Who was sick and what were they doing?
B• What physical details can help the reader imagine the scene?
C• How did you or they feel?
2. Go back to the beginning.
A• What happened earlier that caused the illness?
3. Write the ending.
A• What did you or someone in your story learn from these events?

1 answer

Title: The Consequences of Neglect

1. Start in the middle.
A. Sarah was sick with a high fever, lying in bed, shivering despite the layers of blankets wrapped around her. She had been feeling weak and dizzy for days but had ignored the symptoms, thinking they would eventually go away on their own.
B. The room was dimly lit with the curtains drawn, signaling the late hour. The sound of rain tapping against the window added to the somber atmosphere. Sarah's pale face was flushed with heat, her hair matted with sweat.
C. Sarah felt a mixture of frustration and regret. She wished she had listened to her body earlier instead of pushing through her busy schedule. Now, she was paying the price with her health.

2. Go back to the beginning.
A. Earlier in the week, Sarah had ignored the signs of fatigue, attributing them to her hectic work schedule and lack of sleep. She had skipped meals, relied on caffeine to keep her going, and neglected her self-care routines. The stress of deadlines and responsibilities had taken a toll on her well-being, but she had brushed it off as temporary exhaustion.

3. Write the ending.
A. As Sarah lay in bed, bedridden and miserable, she realized the importance of taking care of her health. She had learned the hard way that neglecting her physical and mental well-being could have serious consequences. From that day on, she made a commitment to prioritize self-care, listen to her body, and seek help when needed. The experience had taught her a valuable lesson that she would never forget.