Plan ONE Additional Language lesson in the Foundation Phase.

1 answer

Lesson Title: Introduction to Spanish Colors

Objective: Students will be able to identify and name basic colors in Spanish.

Materials Needed:
- Color flashcards (red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange, pink, black, white)
- Spanish-English color chart
- Whiteboard and markers

Introduction (5 minutes):
- Begin by showing the students the color flashcards one by one and asking them to identify the colors in English.
- Explain that they will be learning how to say these colors in Spanish today.

Body (20 minutes):
1. Teach the names of the colors in Spanish by showing the Spanish-English color chart and going through each color.
2. Practice pronunciation by saying each color out loud as a class.
3. Show the color flashcards again and have the students repeat the Spanish names after you.
4. Play a game where you hold up a color flashcard and have the students race to say the Spanish name first.
5. Have students work in pairs to quiz each other on the colors in Spanish.

Conclusion (5 minutes):
- Review the colors in Spanish as a class by holding up the color flashcards and having the students say the Spanish names.
- Ask students to practice saying the colors at home and challenge them to find objects around them that match each color in Spanish.