Plan a presentation for parents to explain the purpose of performance assessment, the use of rubrics, and portfolio assessment.

Phases of the Evaluation Process
Although the evaluation process is not necessarily sequential, it can by seen as a cyclical process including four phases: preparation, assessment, evaluation and reflection. The evaluation process involves the teacher as a decision maker throughout the process.
Assessment and Evaluation
In keeping with the nurturing philosophy of Native Studies 10, the assessment and evaluation of Native Studies students takes the developmental approach. Instead of telling students what they are not capable of, the developmental approach shows them how to get there. The sample rubrics, beginning on page 61 of this curriculum guide, illustrate developmental assessment. Development assessments can improve cognitive ability and enhance self-esteem.
Assessment and evaluation are key components of teaching and Education. Assessment and evaluation serve to enhance student Education and to improve teacher instruction. It is important; however, that teachers, students, parents and guardians differentiate between assessment and evaluation.
It may be appropriate to see assessment as the preliminary phase in the evaluation process. It is the gathering of information on student progress. Various techniques are employed to collect the information.
Evaluation, on the other hand, is the weighing of assessment information against a standard (such as a curriculum learning objective) in order to make a judgement or evaluation.
There are three main types of student evaluation:
• Diagnostic evaluation is used when the teacher decides that information is needed about student knowledge or skills prior to deciding on the most effective instruction. Diagnostic evaluation then, informs instruction.
• Formative evaluation provides information for both teacher and student about the progress of that student so that corrective action may be taken to help achieve the desired learning outcome.
• Summative evaluation provides information to be used in making judgements about a student’s achievement. Summative evaluation occurs primarily at the end of a unit of study. Its purpose is to inform students, teachers and parents of progress made over a period of time. Involving students in the selection of more specific or more precise words will help to make the criteria more meaningful and clearer to them.
Guiding Principles of Student Evaluation
Recognizing the value of evaluation in the process of teaching and learning, Saskatchewan Learning has developed five general guiding principles, which are
linked closely to the Evaluation in Education, 1990, report and provide a framework to assist teachers in planning for student evaluation. For extensive information see Student Evaluation: A Teacher Handbook.Saskatchewan Education (1991).
• Evaluation is an integral part of the teaching- learning process, and is a planned, continuous activity, that reflects the outcomes of the curriculum.
• A variety of assessment strategies should be used to accommodate the individual needs of the students and to provide ongoing, relevant programming.
• Evaluation plans should be fair and equitable, taking into account students’ socio-demographic differences such as culture, gender and geographic location; it should be free of bias.
• Evaluation plans should be communicated in advance. Students should have opportunities for input into the evaluation process opportunities to demonstrate the extent of their knowledge, understandings, skills and attitudes.
• Evaluation should help students by providing positive feedback and encouraging them to actively participate in their own learning.
Portfolios are collections of relevant work that reflect students’ individual efforts, development and progress over a designated period of time. Portfolios provide students, teachers, parents and administrators with a broad picture of each student’s growth over time, including abilities, knowledge, skills, processes and attitudes. Students should be involved in selecting the items to be included, setting goals for further personal learning, and self-assessment and reflection.
Teachers can encourage critical and reflective thinking by having students decide which of their works to include in their portfolios and explain why they have chosen those particular items.
Instruction and assessment are integrated as students and teachers collaborate to compile relevant and individual portfolios representing each student’s progress. Some guidelines for developing and using portfolio assessment include:
• Brainstorm with students to discover what they already know about portfolios (e.g., designers and architects use them to collect samples of their best work to show prospective employers).
• Explain the purposes of portfolio assessment, and share samples of portfolios with students. Teachers may need to create examples if student samples are not available; however, samples should be as authentic as possible.
• Collaborate with students to develop guidelines for the contents of their portfolios, and to establish evaluation criteria for their portfolio collections.
Consider the following for discussion with students:
• What is the purpose of the portfolio? (Is it the primary focus of their assessment or is it supplemental?)
• Will it be used to determine a mark for the unit, or will it simply be used to inform students, teachers and parents about student progress?
• Who will be the audience(s) for the portfolio?
• What will be included in the portfolio (e.g., projects, checklists, research assignments)?
• What are the criteria for selecting items for inclusion?
• When, or at what intervals in the unit, should those selections be made?
• Who will determine what items are included in the portfolio (e.g., the student, the teacher, student and teacher in collaboration)?
• When should items be added or removed?
• How should the contents be organized and documented in the portfolio (e.g., similar assignments grouped, chronologically by date, representative range of work)?
• Where will the portfolios be stored? Will students be allowed to take their portfolios home to share with their parents, or to do further work on them?
• What will be the criteria for evaluating each portfolio collection? Are students aware of these criteria prior to beginning to collect their portfolio items?
• What form will feedback to the students take (e.g., written summaries, oral interviews or conferences)? Will the portfolios be assigned a number value?
• Assemble examples of work that represent a wide range of students’ developing abilities, skills, knowledge, thinking and research processes, and attitudes. Select items that demonstrate their oral and written abilities.
• Date all items for effective organization and easy access.
• Inform parents/guardians about the use and purposes of portfolios (e.g., send home letters describing portfolio assessment, display samples on meet-the-teacher nights).
Consider the following for organization and inclusion:
• criteria for content selection
• table of contents or captioned labels that briefly outline the contents
• samples of a variety of student work (e.g.,
both oral and written products, evidence of effort and/or achievement of a process or skill, self-assessment checklists)
• evidence of student self-assessment
• audio and video tapes of student
• performances and presentations
• photographs
• computer disks
• collaborative projects.
Formats for portfolio assembly should provide for easy organization, storage and accessibility. Some possibilities include:
• Keep file folders or accordion folders in a classroom filing cabinet or cupboard, or in boxes.
• Use three-ring binders for ease of adding and removing items as students’ progress.

10 answers

I can't see which are your words and which are part of the assigned tasks.

Since you're meeting with parents, you need to tell the parents in ordinary words (not educational jargon) how you're going to see if their children are learning.
this is what my assignment says

Plan a presentation for parents to explain the purpose of performance assessment, the use of rubrics, and portfolio assessment.
OK. Put these three points in your own words, remembering that you're talking to parents who have not taken education classes.
so i have to explain what each are/ in a slideshow presentation
ok i want to make sure i am right track. i have to explain what performance assessment, the use of rubrics, and portfolio are?
oh ok thank you ms. sue. gave me a better understanding
You're welcome, Scooby! :-)
is there anyone here can help me like come on were is ms sue at cuzz i need her ASP like plzzzzzz nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww like come back in help mee cuz i need herrr
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