To calculate the great circle distance between two points (X and Y) on the same latitude (45° N) that are 180° apart in longitude, we can use the following steps:
Understanding the Geometry: Since both points are on the same line of latitude, we can visualize them on a circle parallel to the equator. This circle is smaller than the Earth's equator but retains the same relationship between degrees of longitude.
Earth's Radius: You're given the radius of the Earth as 6370 km.
Calculating the Circumference at 45° N: The distance along a circle (the circumference) is determined by the radius of the circle. However, the radius of the circle at a certain latitude (other than the equator) is not the same as the Earth's radius. The formula for the radius of the circle at a latitude
is the radius of the circle at latitude is the Earth's radius (6370 km) is the latitude in radians.
For 45° N:
Now, we can calculate the radius at this latitude:
: -
Finding the Circumference: The circumference of the circle at latitude 45° N is:
Great Circle Distance: Since the two points are 180° apart in longitude, they are half the circumference apart.
To find the distance:
So the great circle distance via North between points X and Y is approximately 14137 kilometers.