Place these in order!

1. Women notice that plants are growing out of the seeds in their trash pile, where they had spit out their seeds.
2. Because there is plenty of food, a young woman can focus on just making clothes for everyone because she’s the best at it.
3. Men go out in hunting groups for days at a time, while women gather berries and edible plants to eat and watch over their children.
4. A settlement is attacked by another group for their farming land.
5. A warrior is named the leader of a clan after they successfully defeat all their neighboring clan’s men, and enslave their women.
6. Women start to intentionally place the seeds in the ground where they want them to grow.
7. Farmers are considered only slightly better than slaves in society.
8. The king asks the priest to explain why the sun was blackened by the moon in the middle of the day; (solar eclipse)