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They are all related to reproduction.
Place the following words into the illustration below : gametes, sporophyte, gametomphyte, and zygote. explain how the terms are related
27 answers
I think I have the same test, it goes, 1. ____ 2. ___(Egg and sperm) 3. ____ 4.____ 5. Spores
I have the same test as YoloGurl.
The answers are;
1. Sporophyte
2. gametes
3. gametophyte
4. zygote
The answers are;
1. Sporophyte
2. gametes
3. gametophyte
4. zygote
@ I'dTellYouButThenI'dHaveToKillYou
your username though, lol! I know I should not think its funny, but lol.
your username though, lol! I know I should not think its funny, but lol.
Thanks, Tordy. @Youguysmakemefacepalm There's not just one person with the same quote.
lol so youre right with the order
Hòla amigo
Its already 2020 for ME
me to
@)@) is equal to 2020 holding shift. If u didn't know
it's 2202020 for me
its 2078 for me .-.
your dumb
it wont lol
oh how to go back to 2019
@bxby you are a misguided child, I feel bad, because trump made fun of everyone on earth, and this is for helping not being political.
hah jokes on you it's 2021
bxby shut up before i flame yo ahh.
you kidding its 2021
guys this is a homework help website not a meet no people app pls focus on homework not chatting
the question wasn't politics or something about 2020 anyways Tordy is correct for this essay.
Lets go
can we go back to 2019 because 2020 2021 is off only good thing about 2021 is joe biden is over united states