Areas chosen: housing and clothing
Upper class:
1. Image: Victorian mansion
Approximate time period: 19th century
Region: England
Description: The upper class during the Industrial Revolution lived in grand Victorian mansions, showcasing their wealth and social status. These homes were often large and ornately decorated, with multiple rooms and luxurious furnishings.
2. Image: 19th century ball gown
Approximate time period: 19th century
Region: Europe
Description: The upper class during the Industrial Revolution wore elaborate and expensive clothing, such as this ball gown. These outfits were made from high-quality fabrics and adorned with lace, embroidery, and other intricate details.
Middle class:
1. Image: Row houses
Approximate time period: 19th century
Region: America
Description: The middle class during the Industrial Revolution typically lived in row houses, which were smaller and more modest than the mansions of the upper class. These homes were often more practical in design and shared common walls with neighboring houses.
2. Image: Victorian day dress
Approximate time period: 19th century
Region: Europe
Description: The middle class during the Industrial Revolution dressed in more simplistic and practical clothing, such as this Victorian day dress. These outfits were still well-made but lacked the extravagant details of upper-class clothing.
Working class:
1. Image: Tenement buildings
Approximate time period: 19th century
Region: America
Description: The working class during the Industrial Revolution lived in overcrowded and poorly-maintained tenement buildings, which were often cramped and unsanitary. Families would occupy small apartments within these buildings.
2. Image: Workwear
Approximate time period: 19th century
Region: Europe
Description: The working class during the Industrial Revolution wore durable and functional workwear, such as this apron and cap. These clothing items were often made from cheap materials and lacked the intricate designs of upper-class clothing.
Pick two areas that you would like to focus on to show the differences between the social classes during the Industrial Revolution. The areas can be: housing, clothing, food, jobs, leisure activities, etc. Then, apply technology and research images that represent the differences for each class. You will need a total of six images (2 for each social class). Along with the images, you will write brief descriptions of each
including the approximate time period, region of the world, and any other facts you
find interesting about the images. If you are unable to provide a copy of each image, you may provide links for each image.
Upper class:
Middle class:
Working Class:
Provide a description of how you will organize your poster images and descriptions.
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