1. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC): The purpose of the CCC was to provide employment to young men in conservation and natural resource projects. The program helped reduce unemployment during the Great Depression by providing jobs to over 3 million men. This not only helped individuals and families financially, but also improved the nation's infrastructure and natural resources, creating long-lasting benefits for the country.
2. Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA): The AAA was implemented to help farmers by stabilizing crop prices and increasing agricultural production. The act aimed to increase farm income by paying farmers to reduce their livestock and crop production. This helped to prevent overproduction and lower prices, which had contributed to the collapse of the agricultural industry during the Great Depression. The AAA also aimed to improve soil conservation practices, helping to protect farmland for future generations.
3. Rural Electrification Act (REA): The REA was created to address the lack of electricity in rural areas of the United States. By providing low-cost loans to cooperatives, the REA helped bring electricity to millions of rural Americans who were previously without power. This had a significant impact on rural communities by improving living standards, modernizing farm operations, and increasing economic opportunities. The availability of electricity also helped to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas, leading to more equitable development across the country.
Pick THREE of these New Deal Acts. Identify their purpose and describe the effect each had on the United States during the Great Depression. You must use complete sentences when writing your response.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
Rural Electrification Act (REA)
Social Security Act
1 answer