Pick the correct answer which corrects the underlined portion of the following sentences in the simplest way possible – for grammar and/or style, without changing the basic meaning of each sentence.

In the evening you can go to a restaurant and order a plate stake burger and fries lobster tail or whatever you want to eat but the one think I think you'll like is its quit and the only sound is the sound of the wilderness it can make you fell like you was what to move their.
a. In the evening you can go to a restaurant and order a plate stake burger and fries, lobster tail, or whatever you want to eat. The one thing I think you'll like is it's quite and the only sound is the sound of the wilderness which it can make you fell like you want to move their.
b. In the evening you can go to a restaurant and order a plate steak burger and fries, lobster tail, or whatever you want to eat. The one thing you'll like is it's quite. the only sound is the sound of the wilderness which can make you fell like you want to move there.
c. In the evening, a person can go to a restaurant and order a steak burger and fries. The one thing a person would like is that it's quiet, and the only sound is the sound of the wilderness which can make someone feel as if they want to move there.
d. In the evening, a person can go to a restaurant and order a steak burger and fries, lobster tail, or whatever he or she desires. One very appealing aspect of this place is that it is quiet, and the only sound is the sound of the wilderness which can make one feel as if he or she wants to move there.

I put d

3 answers

Thanks. God Bless. I hope to ace my test tomorrow.
Good luck!