Pick a country of your choice that is experiencing population growth. Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials to find the most recent population count of the country you have chosen and the population growth rate of that country. Use that growth rate to approximate the population in the year 2009.how do i go about showing this

1 answer

The country I selected from the site linked below had an estimated July 2007 population of 20,434,176 and an estimated growth rate of 0.824%

Since the percentage is less than 1, the population is decreasing in this country.

To find the 2008 population, I multipled: 20,434,176 * 0.00824 = 16,837,776.

To find the 2009 population, multiply 16,837,776 * 0.00824 = ?

You can find statistics for every country in the world here:
