City: Baltimore, Maryland
Average High Temperatures (in Fahrenheit):
- January: 42
- February: 45
- March: 55
- April: 66
- May: 75
- June: 84
- July: 88
- August: 86
- September: 79
- October: 68
- November: 57
- December: 46
Box-and-Whisker Plot:
- Median temperature: 70.5 degrees Fahrenheit
- 75% of the temperatures are below 83.5 degrees Fahrenheit. This is calculated by finding the median of the upper quartile, which is (79 + 86)/2 = 82.5, and finding the median of the upper quartile and maximum temperature, which is (86 + 88)/2 = 87. Therefore, the 75th percentile is 83.5.
- 75% of the temperatures are above 55.5 degrees Fahrenheit. This is calculated by finding the median of the lower quartile, which is (55 + 66)/2 = 60.5, and finding the median of the minimum temperature and lower quartile, which is (42 + 55)/2 = 48.5. Therefore, the 25th percentile is 55.5.
Conclusion: The temperature in Baltimore, Maryland has a wide range throughout the year, with a low of 42 degrees Fahrenheit in January and a high of 88 degrees Fahrenheit in July. The median temperature is 70.5 degrees Fahrenheit, with 75% of temperatures falling below 83.5 degrees Fahrenheit and 75% of temperatures above 55.5 degrees Fahrenheit. This data suggests that the summers in Maryland can be quite hot, while the winters can be cold.
Pick a city in Maryland and determine the average high temperatures for each
month. Record this in a table.
a. Create a box-and-whisker plot for the data.
b. What is the median temperature?
c. 75% of the temperatures are below what value? How do you know?
d. 75% of the temperatures are above what value? How do you know?
e. What conclusions can you draw about the temperature in Maryland?
1 answer